Curious about Christ and the Catholic Church?
Start Here!
“Jesus Christ loves you; He gave his life to save you, and now He is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen, and free you.” -Pope Francis
Are you curious about Jesus Christ? Seeking to know more or deepen your relationship with Him?
Wondering what it means to become a Catholic? You have come to the right place.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the formal process for adults to receive the Sacrament of Baptism and then to be initiated into the Church through the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. While the reception of the Sacraments is the goal, the process itself is more an invitation for you to discover your relationship with God, develop an understanding of your relationship with Christ, and come to realize your place in the family of God through Christ in the Catholic Church.
You do not have to commit yourself to receiving the Sacraments in order to join us on this journey of discovery.
If you would like to learn more, please contact:
Steve Petty
248-588-1222 x129
The OCIA process begins on Tuesday, September 17th.
Learn About OCIA
Every year in the Archdiocese of Detroit, hundreds of people choose to deepen their relationship with Christ by joining the Catholic Church. Since becoming Catholic requires a commitment to God, the Church, and a worshipping community (parish), the person seeking to join the Chruch is invited to enter a process of preparation and discernment. This process is called the OCIA (formally RCIA), an acronym for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
In the OCIA, a person takes a journey with the OCIA Team to learn about and become closer to God. A major component in learning about God entails learning about God’s Church. In the OCIA, the participants learn about how the Church was formed, and many of the particular beliefs and practices that are unique to Catholicism.
While learning about Catholicism is essential to the OCIA, it is only part of the process. The core of the OCIA centers on discovering, developing, and nurturing your relationship with God.
Who is the OCIA for?
Adults (and children who are seven years or older) who have never been baptized.
Adults who are baptized in another Christian denomination and desire to join the Catholic Church.
Adult Catholics who have been baptized, but have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.
How to Register for OCIA
If the OCIA is something that looks like it is of interest to you or someone you know, please call Mr. Steve Petty, Pastoral Associate for Guardian Angels Parish.
Steve Petty
Phone: 248-588-1222
“Without question, this experience has changes my life. I look forward to studying the Scriptures and sharing the Gospel the way it was shared with me.”
“Not only was I able to better understand the core beliefs of the Catholic Church, but my faith and devotion to God was strengthened immensely. The RCIA process changed my life.”
“The RICA was a great experience. I realized afterwards how much faith I had. I’m praying to God every morning and every night.”
“I could not begin to recount everything I learned in RCIA. One of the most meaningful things I learned, however, was that ‘No one is without a family in this world: the Chruch is a home and family to everyone…’ (CCC, Paragraph 1658). The teacher, sponsors, and my classmates in RCIA were the first brothers and sisters in Christ I met and got to know.”