Parish News

America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally

Thousands across the country will pray the rosary at the same time in the “public square” for the 2024 America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally on Saturday,…

Anointing of the Sick

The Anointing of the Sick will take place after the 4:30pm Mass on September 21st and after both Masses on September 22nd. The sacrament of…

Men’s Fellowship

Saturday, September 21st at 9:00AMin the Solanus Casey Room The Men’s Fellowship group at Guardian Angels, under thepatronage of St. Michael the Archangel, meets once…

SVdP Pantry: Donations Needed!

Help us fill our pantry and help our neighbors in need! St. Vincent de Paul is running low on some of our basic staples weuse…

Teaching Tuesdays

New This Fall: Teaching Tuesdays Do you have questions about how the Catholic faith?  Are you interested in exploring the possibility of joining the Catholic…

Basketball Clinic

GA Basketball Shooting Clinic and Free Throw Shooting Contest Guardian Angel Gym Oct. 19th from 9:00am to 12:00pm (doors open at 8:30 a.m.) Open to…

Halloween Candy Drive

Halloween is just around the corner, and Sacred Heart Major Seminary needs your help. Each year the seminary community opens their doors and their hearts…

Election Resources

In 2024, as in previous election years, the Archdiocese of Detroit follows the guidance of the Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) and the U.S. Conference of…

Eucharistic Ministers Needed

Guardian Angels Parish will be offering the Precious Blood at all the weekend Masses again beginning in Advent. To that end, we are in need…

Fall/Balance Assessment Class

When: Monday, November 18 from 10am-12pm Where: Fr. Solanus Casey Room Topics Include: Fall prevention Environmental factors and safety tips for the home Exercises for…

The A, B, Cs & Ds Of Medicare: An Educational Seminar

On Saturday, Nov. 16 at  9am, and Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 9am David Banet (a Guardian Angels Parishioner), a licensed insurance counselor, will present a free Medicare Educational Seminar. The…

SVDP Giving Tree

If you would like to help a family in need this holiday season, we need gift card(s) from one of the following retailers (in increments…


Coming soon for children in grades K-4! MagnifiKid is a colorful Sunday Missalette and prayer guide that will enhance the children’s participation at Mass and…

SVDP Bundle Sunday

November 23rd & 24th SVDP will be in the church parking lot during all Masses ready to take your donations! We are happy to accept clean…

Franciscan Sisters

Single Catholic Women 20-35: Franciscan Sisters invite you to in-person and on-line Discernment Events designed for you. Discover your calling and purpose. Visit or contact Sr.…

Lighting of the Tree of Life

Saturday, December 7 | Following the 4:30PM Mass in the Memorial Garden All parents and families who have experienced the loss of a child are…