St. Vincent de Paul
The role of our St. Vincent de Paul council is to provide assistance to individuals or families who find themselves in basic need for subsistence. Members interview those who arrive at the parish requesting help or may conduct a home visit to the poor or needy to evaluate their needs and to provide assistance. Guardian Angels is able to provide food baskets and help provide for medical and utility needs. Special projects consist of a semi-annual clothing collection and collections to provide for summer camp programs and the special needs of our clients. Oplatki and calendar sales are other fund raisers.
Membership in the council requires a concern for those in need, rational decision-making and respect for confidentiality of the client. Meetings are held on Wednesday evenings throughout the year. For more information or to volunteer to assist or to join contact the parish office at (248) 588-1222
To learn more about St. Vincent de Paul in southeastern Michigan go to:

SVDP Giving Tree
If you would like to help a family in need this holiday season, we need gift card(s) from one of the following retailers (in increments of $25 each): Meijer, Kroger, Walmart, Target or Kohl’s. We also accept monetary donations for utilities, rent and prescriptions. Checks must be made out to “Guardian Angels SVDP”. Please write “Giving Tree” in the memo section on your check.
Your donation may be placed in an envelope (mark outer envelope “Giving Tree”) and dropped in the offertory in the church narthex at Mass, returned to the parish office during weekday hours, or mailed to the church. All donations must be returned to us no later than November 12th.
Who do we serve? Along with the families served by our own St. Vincent de Paul Society, we are also distributing gift cards to:
- Jail Outreach for Families – A ministry to assist families who have one or both parents incarcerated.
- Mary’s Children – A non-profit organization serving people with brain injuries/intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
- Loaves and Fishes of Southwest Detroit –A collaborative approach to eliminating hunger in the Southwest Detroit area by helping fund food purchases to five food pantries.
- Wee Care – An ongoing outreach program of Right to Life – LIFESPAN assisting young mothers with the essentials for getting them off to the right start in caring for their babies.